18 March, 2008


After many sets of diapers, baby clothes and clothes, many pairs of shoes, many houses, many cars, falling for many girls, many cameras, many pairs of glasses and many years of living, I've realised that I've always gone to only one barber shop.


Shrinked Immaculate said...

Does that realization leave you gasping in its profoundness?

Dhaval Momaya said...

It does. It doesn't you? I mean, what else in life can one attribute the number 1 to?

Tia said...

So essentially you're committed to your barber. Makes one wonder...

Dhaval Momaya said...

Percy, Percy, Percy! Always with the wild imagination. It simply means I'm committed to the barber shop, not the barber. I've had various barbers in that shop cut my hair. Ha ha! So much wild imagination, so little time, little Tia.