15 April, 2008

Jazz hath no memory.


sajith said...

Eh, what?

(Please enable openid for commenters.)

Dhaval Momaya said...

No explanations for this one, Sajith. If you get it, you're supposed to. If you don't, there's no other way you will.

Dhaval Momaya said...

Wot's openid? Enabling all users to comment? I'm afraid I get spam that way.

sajith said...

This be OpenID:


Re. Jazz' memory, someday I might get, I hope. :-) Guess Congreve has no role in this.

Tia said...

But Soul does.

Dhaval Momaya said...

Yes, ma'am! So does a sieve.

Tia said...

what good is a soul of plastic or steel?

Dhaval Momaya said...

but if 'twas gold then someone'd steal.